Master the Art of Brewing Tea in 5 Steps
Follow these simple steps to have a cup of perfectly brewed tea.
Step 1 : Add some tea leaves (...but how much exactly?!)
Well it boils down to what’s your cup of tea (pun intended!). It’s all about one's personal preference but the general measurement most people go by is one teaspoon of tea leaves and one cup of water per person.
Step 2: The perfect temperature
85℃ is the right temperature to make a flawless cup of black tea. But if you’re not OCD enough to hit this temperature just remember to be below the boiling point (100℃) to get the best flavours of your tea.
Step 3: How to brew?
Warm cup: Pour freshly boiled water into required number of teacups. The water can then be returned to the teapot with the tea. In this way the water is measured precisely and none will be left in the pot once it has been brewed and served.
Two Teapots: Add the required amount of tea to one teapot and pour freshly boiled water. Once steeped and strained, transfer the brewed tea to the second teapot. (This teapot can be kept warm, by using it to measure water)
Step 4: Wait till flavours are released
If it’s plain ol’ black tea, steep for about 45 - 60 seconds for flavours to seep into the water. But if you like your brew a little strong, let it steep for 2 - 3 minutes.
Step 5: To add or not to add milk and sugar?
That is the question, isn’t it? Again, it really depends on your tastebud. Whether it's milk, sugar, honey or slices of lemon, it’s safe to say that (almost!) anything goes with black tea.
Tea Tips
- Use only freshly boiled water to steep your tea in because re-boiling water reduces the oxygen content in water which ends up giving less flavour.
- In China it’s believed that the best cup of tea is the second or third brew. As a matter of fact, good quality tea can be infused up to three times, releasing subtle and delicate flavours so don’t throw your leaves or bags away after the first brew!
- To prevent your leaves from tasting bitter, strain your tea fully in between infusions.
- Tea leaves are able to absorb moisture and strong smells from their surrounding. This is why high quality teas are stored in tightly closed jars or tins.
Craving for a cup of tea? Check our range of teas and teaware here to have it delivered at your doorstep with just one click